State Policy Solutions
Effective markets require healthy competition and transparent information on cost and quality. Unfortunately, these conditions don’t exist in all health care markets. Entrenched interests feed off market failures and use their political muscle to keep the broken status quo in place. If we’re going to rely on competitive market forces to keep prices reasonable, government must step in to make sure that markets are working the way they should. In some areas, however, the market is fundamentally broken, and it is nearly impossible to address costs through competition. In these situations, government needs to step in to limit prices.
As the leading voice of large national employer health care purchasers on public policy, PBGH has a track record of advocating for a market environment of healthy competition and successfully influencing both state and federal policy to enhance, among other priorities, value-based purchasing and the restriction of anti-competitive practices in order to improve affordability and quality.

The Cost of Provider Consolidation: The Employer’s Perspective

SB 977 Fact v Fiction 8.6.20

PBGH’s Letter of Support for California Bill SB977
California’s leading consumer, labor and business organizations have joined together to support legislation that would lower health care prices for Californians.

SB-977 text as of 2020-05-19—highlighted for Boeing
An act to add Division 1.7 (commencing with Section 1190) to the Health and Safety Code, relating to health facilities.

California Senate Bill 538 Hospital Contracts Purchaser Update
Senate Bill 538 seeks to level the playing field in health care contracting, and provides more information to consumers and purchasers in the state.

PBGH’s Letter of Support for California Bill SB 538

PBGH’s Letter to Support California Assembly Bill 290
PBGH supports California Assembly Bill 290.