Women’s Midlife Health Vendor Showcase
Menopause-related symptoms are impacting the wellbeing of women in the workforce. Menopause often occurs when women are at the height of their careers and likely to be in leadership positions, yet approximately 20% of women have said that they are considering leaving the workforce because of menopause-related symptoms.
Employers and public purchasers are invited to join the PBGH Women’s Midlife Health Vendor Showcase on Wednesday, September 28, from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. PT to hear from a curated group of women’s health vendors and have the opportunity to ask questions and hear feedback from other employers and PBGH’s subject matter expert.
If you are interested in participating as an employer or purchaser, please contact Logan Waterman at lwaterman@pbgh.org.
Begins: September 28, 2022Ends: September 28, 2022