CQC Webinar: Back to School: Close the Gap on Pediatric Immunizations
Physicians and provider groups in California are currently faced with immunization gaps in their pediatric population as they work to catch up with routine vaccinations deferred during COVID-19. During this California Quality Collaborative webinar, Dr. Cora Hoover from the California Department of Public Health shared statewide data trends regarding catch-up pediatric immunizations. Dr. Eric Ball, Pediatric Physician for Southern Orange County Pediatric Association, shared on-the-ground experience and lessons learned around effectively closing immunization gaps, and highlighted what small/medium practices and IPAs can do today.
Need a recap of what we covered?
- Analyzed data driving urgency to support providers administering necessary pediatric immunizations before the start of the school year
- Heard on-the-ground experience and lessons learned
- Prioritized what small/medium practices and IPAs can do today
- Effective partnership opportunities
Begins: May 25, 2021Ends: May 25, 2021


Opportunities for Health Plans – Pediatric Immunizations