COVID-19: Peer Sharing

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, small practices and IPAs made remarkable progress implementing and expanding telehealth in a very short timeframe, providing critical care to their patients. To support these providers as they adopted virtual care, CQC hosted bi-weekly webinars from the end of March through June.

Adapting Care Delivery to the New Normal – 06/18/2020
Dr. Steven Davis, DO, from San Dimas, California, shared practical tips from his practice’s experience.

Adapting Care Delivery to the New Normal pdf

Patient Engagement and Virtual Care – 05/29/2020
Joined by Dr. Courtney Lyles, Associate Professor,  Center for Vulnerable Populations at UCSF; Libby Hoy, Founder & CEO, PFCCpartners; and Dr. Fiona Wilson, former Teledoc provider and current Supervising Clinician Specialist, Workers Compensation Division, Department of Human Resources, City & County of San Francisco, who shared how primary care practices can engage patients in virtual care.

Patient Engagement and Virtual Care pdf


Begins: May 29, 2020
Ends: June 18, 2020


Patient Engagement and Virtual Care

Adapting Care Delivery to the New Normal