For Media Inquiries:
The settlement agreement achieved in the Sutter Health case, along with the injunctive relief, will have a significant and beneficial economic impact.
Addressing health care costs, and in particular the cost of prescription drugs, is an economic issue. Earnings siphoned off by health care costs limit job creation and wage growth, divert investment and cripple competitiveness and innovation.
We are very pleased that the Biden administration is signaling its intention to aggressively implement the previous administration’s hospital price transparency rule.
The Purchaser Business Group on Health (PBGH) has announced the addition of four new board members.
We are exceptionally pleased by the messages in President Biden’s Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy.
PBGH and TCPA will contract directly with centers of excellence for select procedures; physician practices and physician-governed organizations will also be engaged to manage chronic disease, a primary driver of health care costs for employers, more effectively.
President Biden reaffirm his commitment to support legislation to meaningfully bring down the price of prescription drugs in the United States in his speech to a Joint Session of Congress on April 28.
Most business leaders favor increased anti-trust enforcement, prohibitions on anti-competitive practices, capping drug and hospital prices in non-competitive markets; a public option and lower medicare eligibility age seen as viable options.
The EmployersRx agenda aligns with the Biden administration’s objectives of reducing care costs and strengthening access while addressing the widespread health system vulnerabilities exposed by the pandemic.
Consumers First’s 2021 administrative agenda calls on President Biden to address health care’s inefficiencies, inequities and market failures.