For Media Inquiries:
PBGH announced a series of strategic goals that will guide the organization over the next five years.
The Purchaser Business Group on Health (PBGH), a nonprofit coalition committed to reducing health care costs while improving care quality and equity, welcomes two veteran health care executives to its Board of Directors.
On August 19, the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and Treasury released a final rule implementing portions of the No Surprises Act.
Employers are gravely concerned that changes to the Inflation Reduction Act will result in price increases for working families who get their health insurance through an employer.
Review of the drug pricing provisions of the reconciliation package by the parliamentarian today resulted in good news for America’s seniors in that it allows Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices and potentially lower costs for millions of Americans.
As part of a new multi-stakeholder initiative, six health care organizations serving California have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to increase investment in and access to ‘advanced primary care.’
Purchaser Business Group on Health is working closely with its members to provide the deep expertise they need to navigate the health, market, policy and legal implications associated with the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on Roe v. Wade.
Gilbert will heighten PBGH’s strategic reach and influence as its members face constant challenges and competitive threats, a demanding economic climate and the complexities of health and health care reforms.
Health care industry provided their insights and predictions on the impact the pandemic is having on the explosion of virtual health options, changes to employee health benefits, what the future holds for our industry and how to better deliver value in health care.
In his first State of the Union address last night, President Biden called on Congress to pass legislation to lower the cost of prescription drug costs.