3 Reasons Employers Should Be Concerned About ACA Repeal
Guest contributor, Bill Kramer, MBA, is the executive director for National Health Policy at Pacific Business Group on Health and has written an article for the American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC) on employer concerns surrounding the legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
From the article:
“The appointment of a new conservative justice to the Supreme Court raised serious concerns that the legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would be successful. Following oral arguments over the law’s individual mandate in front of the Supreme Court on November 10, however, it appears most of the law is likely to survive. Still, we’re not out of the woods and it will be sometime before we know the outcome.
Overturning the law would entirely be cataclysmic. The primary impact, of course, would be on the estimated 12 million people covered under Medicaid who became eligible because of the ACA who would lose their coverage, the 9 million who receive subsidized health insurance through the federal and state exchanges, and those with preexisting conditions who would likely be screened out of individual coverage.
Although people who get their health insurance on the job were largely untouched by the ACA, large employers—and by extension, their employees—have an interest in the outcome of the SCOTUS decision.”
You can read the entire article on the AJMC website here.