Patient Assessment Survey Program
Good patient experience with the health care delivery system is an important indicator of quality. It has been linked to multiple benefits for patients, including improved disease management, adherence to medication regimens, quality of life and health outcomes.
For more than 20 years, PBGH has been a thought leader in patient experience measurement and ran the nation’s largest program to gather patient feedback and produce annual provider organization ratings. Annually, patient opinions and experiences regarding 176 provider organizations were collected from more than 40,000 commercially insured patients.
Two core products were offered:
- Provider Organization Survey:
- Commercial Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) and Point-of- Service (POS) patients (Adult or Pediatric)
- Medi-Cal patients (Adult)
- Provider Survey:
- Quarterly fielding: Commercial HMO, POS, Medicare or Medi-Cal patients (Adult or Pediatric providers)
Survey results included clinical, patient experience and cost-of-care ratings, and are made available to consumers through the California Department of Managed Health Care’s Office of the Patient Advocate Health Care Quality Report Cards website. Through 2024, performance on the Patient Assessment Survey (PAS) Group-Level Survey accounted for 30% of the bonus of the Integrated Healthcare Association’s (IHA) Value-Based Align. Measure. Perform. (AMP) program. AMP is a nationally recognized incentive program designed to drive meaningful changes that reduce costs and improve care quality and outcomes in California and nationwide. PBGH’s Patient Assessment Survey was the source of patient experience data used in the AMP program.
In June 2024, the Integrated Healthcare Association (IHA) decided to remove patient experience results from its AMP incentive payment program in 2025. Without incentive payments to participate, there is no longer a business case for providers to collect and report the data. Given this change PBGH has determined that these changes will make the PAS program unsustainable. As such, it will sunset the program effective July 31, 2024. Current program participants have been informed of this decision and next steps.

Patient Assessment Survey | Legacy Impact Report
PBGH’s Patient Assessment Survey program gathered patient feedback for over 20 years, driving improvements in health care quality and transparency across California.

Behavioral Health Survey Issue Brief
This issue brief provides an overview of both the performance of specific behavioral health screening and referral services in primary care and recent changes in patients’ perceived quality of care.

Telehealth Experience Survey Issue Brief
PBGH surveyed California patients who had participated in primary care telehealth visits (both via phone and video) during 2020 and 2021 to examine their overall experience.

Advancing Person-Centered Care Measurement
Supported by a grant from The SCAN Foundation – advancing a coordinated and easily navigated system of high-quality services for older adults that preserve dignity and independence.

Patient Experience Using Telehealth During COVID-19
Due to the rise of telehealth during COVID-19, PBGH developed and fielded a survey to gather patient feedback about telehealth visits.

2021 Patient Assessment Survey Overview
The PBGH PAS program is the largest nonprofit, multi-stakeholder program in the country. Survey results are made publicly available through the State of California’s Office of the Patient Advocate (OPA) consumer web site.

2021 Patient Assessment Survey (PAS)
The Patient Assessment Survey (PAS) program has been gathering patient feedback and producing Provider Organization ratings for 19 years. It is the largest nonprofit, multi-stakeholder program in the country.